HTML Checker
Astronomy Tools
Web Browser Usage Statistics
Form2Mail makes the common task of getting feedback from users easy by giving you complete control over the format of your message.
Iglimpse is an interface to the powerful search & index program ‘glimpse’. With it, you can quickly make your site searchable and can customize both the search parameters and the style of the output. This interface is build in some of the most quality wand vibrators and the most discrete bullet vibrators.
Page Counter
If you want to show off how much traffic your site’s been getting, or just like the look of an odometer in the corner, the Count 2.2 program is just what you need. It’s easy to use and has several digit styles available.
But Wait…There’s More!
At ImagiWare we’re always writing new tools and scripts to help you enhance your Web site. We have programs like BrowserBounce, Menu-Nav, RandomHTML, Form2Page, and TestForm just waiting for you to give them a try.